Once you found it, load it up and have fun exploring the world! You may have to back up the world if it was saved in a different version of Minecraft.Download the Survival on a Single Block Map for Minecraft PE: try to get yourself to the foodchain’s top with scarce resources.The new save is usually all the way at the bottom, but that's not always the case.The name of the folder you copied will be the grayed-out name under the world name (On Java).Once Minecraft opens, click "Singleplayer" or "Play".Here's the hardest part: finding your new save in all your other saves. Once they're all there, launch the game, and continue below.Open the new folder and check to make sure it has everything in it, all right under Hermitcraft.Paste that folder into the mentioned folder.You will notice all your worlds are here. Open the saves or minecraftWorlds folder.%localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojangįor Internal Storage: /storage/emulated/0/games/com.mojang On Bedrock Edition, the name of the folder is games/com.mojang.On Java Edition, the name of the folder is.Open the default directory for the Minecraft folder.Once you extracted it to a folder, follow these steps: Extract that folder and rename it to a folder like Hermitcraft. If you can only see a folder, open it.If you see a file named level.dat, then you're good to go! Extract the zip/rar to a folder like Hermitcraft.This is necessary if you have a compressed file. These instructions work for both Java and Bedrock but is more tedious to do for Bedrock. If that doesn't work, follow the below instructions. If it worked, a successful popup should appear.A popup will open, saying that the world is importing.Instructions on how to open one of the maps above in Minecraft. If you're on Bedrock, some features such as redstone will not work, and chest items/Java-exclusive blocks will be no longer there. The maps above for Bedrock have been converted from Java Edition. Notice: These files are hosted by Hermitcraft on their official website. You can download the hermitcraft worlds from the Official Hermitcraft website and explore them in Minecraft. At the end of each season, the maps can be downloaded from the Hermitcraft Website where they can be found under the Maps section on the left-hand side of the web page in Desktop or on the top of the page in mobile.